Deleting the message caused the Invincible Faith to enter alert status, resulting in Versio fighting her way to an airlock.
The droid reached Versio's cell and freed her, and she reached the ship's communications center and erased the message. After an interrogation by the ship's captain, she relayed the activation code of her droid as it was about to be analyzed by a technician. While the rebels were tasked with decoding the transmission, Inferno Squad Commander Iden Versio allowed herself to be captured, and was brought on board the Invincible Faith in order to erase the transmission so that the Rebel Alliance could remain unaware of the Imperial plans. The Invincible Faith served as a Rebel Security cruiser prior to the Battle of Endor and intercepted a coded transmission from Moff Raythe to Imperial forces detailing their plans to trap the Alliance Fleet at Endor.